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The Do's and Don'ts of Communication in Real Estate

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Oct 26, 2015 4:25:04 PM

The decision to buy a new home or sell your current home is one that is typically taken seriously. Whether it's your first home, or you are making the leap from your starter home to your dream home, it is a big decision and a big step.

Interestingly, something many people don’t think about early in the process is how important creating open and transparent communication between all parties involved can be. Like all relationships, communication remains a vital aspect of success and something you and your REALTOR® should discuss from the onset. A real estate transaction involves more than a dozen people in making the transaction a success, so it is key that you communicate successfully to ensure you are on the same page as you navigate through the buying or selling process.

communication in real estate

Although a real estate transaction is essentially a negotiation between a buyer and a seller, working with professionals that know how to effectively communicate with all parties is essential. Your REALTOR® not only needs to have the technical expertise to navigate the transaction, but also the communication skills required to work with you and other entities involved in the process, such as closing and title offices, attorneys, loan originators, etc.

One way to ensure you have open and clear communication is first selecting a tech-savvy REALTOR®. Not only will this type of REALTOR® know the right avenues for helping you buy or sell your home, they will most likely be the type of agent who is available to you when communication is needed.

Here are a few things you should DO when communicating with your Realtor®:

  • Be honest and specific with your goals.
  • Ask questions and share any concerns you have.
  • Be open and receptive to the insight and advice shared by your Realtor®.

But here are a few things you DON'T want to do:

  • Expect your REALTOR® to know what you are thinking or wondering.
  • Jump to conclusions when you don't hear back right away.
  • Listen to “water cooler experts” about your largest financial decision. As well-intentioned as your friend, coworker, or neighbor may be, remember they aren’t involved in the day-to-day of real estate, and every real estate transaction is different...

In the end, good communication is key in making sure your ultimate real estate goal is achieved. At Dream Builders Realty, we make sure our lines of communication are always open, whether it be by phone, text, email, or social media (or all of the above!).

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