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Why Selling Your Land is Different From Selling Your Home

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Oct 18, 2018 9:00:00 AM

Many people believe the sales process for selling land is the same as selling their home. This couldn’t be further from the truth. The best way to understand the differences is to read the sections below that describe some of the factors and characteristics between selling land and selling homes

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Topics: Selling your Land, Selling your Home, Selling 101

What to Know When Selling Your Land in Central Florida

Posted by Keith Trace on Apr 9, 2014 8:00:00 PM


 Information is key when trying to sell your land in Central Florida. The more information you can present to potential buyers the better. This information will also help your Realtor® accurately determine the listing price and effectively market your property. Below are some important factors that have to be communicated about your land to potential buyers:

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Topics: Selling your Land, Selling 101, Commercial 101

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