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DBR School Spotlight: Harmony High School

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Nov 3, 2015 6:21:09 PM

At Dream Builders Realty, we know the importance of taking an active role in the community we serve. One way we do this is through the support of local education. Our series on school features shows exactly what this area has to offer when it comes to education. 

This week we are featuring another local high school. Taking a drive from Liberty High School (the school we featured earlier this month) in Kissimmee, we're heading to Harmony High School in St. Cloud.

Harmony High School

Let's start with the school's mission statement:

"Harmony High School will make a positive difference in the academic, social, emotional and physical well being of students, staff and community."

Harmony High School statsAt Harmony High School, the students, aka Longhorns, can be part of a unique program. The Veterinary Assisting Program is designed to teach high school students valuable knowledge and skills in a hands-on vocational setting. Through this program, they run a clinic where Osceola County residents can have their pets seen and cared for.

Harmony is a proud A-rated school since the 2010-2011 school year. Students have many choices when it comes to programs offered at the high school. Some of them include:

  • Agritech
  • Allied Health Assisting
  • Digital Video Prod
  • Fashion Technology & Design
  • Game Simulation
  • New Media Technology
  • Engineering
  • TV Production
  • Veterinary Assisting
  • AVID
  • Drivers Ed

To sum it up, Harmony High School is an A-Rated, Five Star School that has won the Orange Belt Conference All-Sports Athletic Championship and the County GPA Title for five of the past six years.

Check back soon to see what the Osceola School for the Arts in Kissimmee, Florida has to offer! 

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