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Can a Wind Mitigation Inspection Save Me Money?

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on May 13, 2015 11:36:47 AM

Most people are unaware that they are spending more on their homeowners insurance than necessary, and there is a major savings opportunity sitting one phone call away…

Although Central Florida isn’t typically affected by tropical storms and hurricanes like the coastal areas of Florida, we still pay a considerable amount of money in our insurance policies to protect against wind damage.

Your insurance carrier has likely based your premium on average homes in the area, but if your home has features that mitigate your wind damage risk, your insurance premium will decrease. 

saving money with a wind mitigationPhoto Credit

Your home may already have some of these money-saving features, such as a more wind-resistant roof design or reinforced garage doors, and you might not even know it. The first step is to obtain a wind mitigation inspection from a licensed inspector. The inspector will verify what protections your home may have against wind damage and determine what improvements you can make to protect your home. 

State law requires that insurance companies provide a discount on what you pay when your home has features to mitigate potential damage from wind. According to the Florida Department of Finance, between 15 percent and 75 percent of your home insurance premium is attributed to wind damage risk. We want to help you save that money! So to verify that your home has these features, you'll need a wind mitigation inspection.

Request your own wind mitigation inspection today!

Wind mitigation inspections can cost anywhere from $75 to $150, but the cost will more than pay for itself in lower insurance premiums. In fact, as an added benefit, our customers are reimbursed for the cost of the inspection if they don’t realize at least the same amount in a reduction on their insurance premium when using one of our trusted inspectors.*

So, with the start of the Atlantic hurricane season right around the corner, it’s a good time to get your own home in order. While you are making sure you have those hurricane-related supplies on hand, you should also be taking a look at your insurance policy.

When you have a wind mitigation inspection, you will also receive a detailed checklist of additional features you can add to your home to save even more on your insurance policy. We'll examine those improvements and the risk factors involved with delaying a wind mitigation inspection in part two of this series... Stay tuned!

wind mitigation inspection
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*Any potential rebate is realized through the inspector. You can contact Dream Builders Realty for further details.

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