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What Comes First, the Buy or the Sell?

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Jun 10, 2015 10:00:00 AM

The question is usually "What comes first, the chicken or the egg?" but in real estate many times it’s a question of, "What comes first, the buy or the sell?" 

You've decided that you are ready to sell your current home and buy a new home, but you aren't quite sure where to start. Do you buy a new home first and then sell your current home? Do you sell your home first and then buy a new home? Or are you the adventurous type that does both at the same time?

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Topics: Buying a Home, Selling your Home, Selling 101, Buying 101

Appraisals: The Skinny on How They Make or Break Your Transaction

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on May 28, 2015 2:25:32 PM

When buying or selling a home, having an appraisal done is an important part of the process for both the buyer AND the seller. Although the primary and direct benefit is for the buyer, it is still a necessary aspect of the real estate transaction for the seller, too.

First, let's discuss what an appraisal is and why you need one in the first place.

An appraisal is an estimate of a property's value based on factors such as location, amenities and condition in comparison to similar properties that have recently sold in your area. Further, an appraisal is required on all purchases being financed so lenders can ensure the property is worth at least as much as the buyer is borrowing from their lender. This is not only a benefit for the buyer, but is a direct benefit for the lender as it is the only way they get to see the property and know what they are lending their money on.

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Topics: Buying a Home, Selling your Home, Selling 101, Buying 101

The 5 Best Benefits of Building vs. Buying a Home

Posted by Christy Lim on May 8, 2015 12:15:00 PM

This week, we're discussing five benefits of building a new construction home vs. buying a home in Central Florida. That Pinterest-inspired home you've been dreaming of could become a reality after reading these five benefits. 

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Topics: Building a Home, Around Central Florida, Buying 101

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