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The 5 Best Benefits of Building vs. Buying a Home

Posted by Christy Lim on May 8, 2015 12:15:00 PM

This week, we're discussing five benefits of building a new construction home vs. buying a home in Central Florida. That Pinterest-inspired home you've been dreaming of could become a reality after reading these five benefits. 


Custom built to your needs.

The home you build is custom built to your specifications which means you will have years and years to enjoy the personal stamp you’ve put on this home. Not to mention the "oohs!" and "aahhs!" you'll receive from friends and family the first time they tour your new space.

Long term savings for your pocketbook. 

If you have a new heater, air conditioner, windows, etc. this could save you hundreds of dollars each year (and in the long run…thousands of dollars even). Just think, you could be saving money to put toward that dream vacation when you don't have to spend time and money fixing up a home that was previously lived in.

Conveniences all around. 

Have you ever moved into a house and thought, "I wish there were more outlets in this place?" Or even worse, the breaker trips whenever you run more than two appliances in your kitchen? Newer homes can provide you with a more technologically compatible environment.


A different kind of work.

Updating and upgrading a resale home can sometimes lead to more expenses than building a home from the ground up. While there will still be "work" involved in building a new home, (especially depending on how hands-on you plan to be) it will be a different kind of "work" than if you were having to tear down walls, renovate a kitchen and bathrooms and more.

It's yours and yours alone.

You know the home you’re moving into since you’ve worked to design it yourself. You choose everything from the number of bedrooms and bathrooms to the extra features you want to meet your everyday needs. You also know you’re moving into the neighborhood of your choice rather than succumbing to living in a less than ideal neighborhood because the "right" house was located there.

So, now that you've learned about some of the benefits of building a new construction home vs. buying a new home in Central Florida, are you ready to find your ideal property so that you can build your dream home? 

personalized home search from Dream Builders Realty  

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