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Central Florida Real Estate Market Update - August 2014 [Infographic]

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Sep 29, 2014 8:30:00 PM


As usual home sales have slowed a little due to the start of school in August, a busy time for many, but essentially the market is still good.

However, the Federal Reserve is discussing when to raise interest rates (it may happen as early as spring 2015) so now is definitely the time to buy or sell. Higher interest rates can have a negative impact on home affordability. They can slow down price increases for Sellers while reducing the amount of money a Buyer has to spend due to these higher interest payments. Current interest rates are still at historic lows, making it the perfect time to get in the Central Florida real estate market, whether as a Buyer or a Seller.

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Topics: Around Central Florida, Real Estate Market Update

Central Florida real estate market update - July 2014 [Infographic]

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Aug 25, 2014 8:30:00 PM

The Central Florida real estate market continues to show that right now is an opportune time for Buyers and Sellers. If you've been thinking about selling your home in Central Florida but can't quite seem to bite the bullet, this is the proof. Or if you are on the other end of the real estate perspective and have been thinking about buying a first home in Central Florida (or wanting to move up from your starter home) these numbers tell you that right now is the time to do just that.

Like usual, the summer months picked up steam and have generated more sales. This increased activity has continued to have a positive impact on the average days on market, particulary in Osceola and Seminole counties. Overall, the average days on market is trending downward, which is good for Sellers. Median home prices continue to trend upward and the sold price to list price ratios are up (always good when you are the Seller!).

The amount of active listings is growing, giving any Buyer a bigger inventory to choose from when trying to find the perfect home. We hope our monthly market updates (including our June 2014 market update) help with your real estate needs when it comes to buying or selling your next home in Central Florida.

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Topics: Around Central Florida, Real Estate Market Update

Central Florida real estate market update - June 2014 [Infographic]

Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Jul 28, 2014 6:30:00 PM

The Central Florida real estate market continues to show that right now is an opportune time for Buyers and Sellers. If you've been thinking about selling your home in Central Florida but can't quite seem to bite the bullet, this is the proof. Or if you are on the other end of the real estate perspective and have been thinking about buying a first home in Central Florida (or wanting to move up from your starter home) these numbers tell you that right now is the time to do just that.

Median home prices are up and the sold price to list price ratios are up (always good when you are the Seller!). The amount of active listings is growing, giving any Buyer a bigger inventory to look from when trying to find the perfect home. We hope our monthly market updates (including our May 2014 market update) help with your real estate needs when it comes to buying or selling your next home in Central Florida.

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Topics: Around Central Florida, Real Estate Market Update

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