If you are a long-time resident of Florida, you know all to well the effects a hurricane can cause to your home and the surrounding community. The series of hurricanes that tore through our state in 2004 caused losses of more than $25 billion in Florida according to estimates from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. Being prepared for such catastrophic storms is key.
Is Using Your Tax Refund Toward Your Home a Good Idea?
Posted by Tim Weisheyer on Apr 3, 2014 6:30:00 PM
Homeownership has been and remains a cornerstone of the American Dream, and a strong desire remains among Americans to own their own home. In fact, research shows more than 7 in 10 renters aspire to own their home one day. It is widely agreed among experts that secure and stable housing has social, academic, familial and financial benefits for individuals and families. What many of those renting might not realize though, is that they can leverage their tax return to take advantage of still affordable home prices and historically low interest rates. Who knew you could use your tax refund and turn it into a lifelong investment?
Topics: Tax, Buying a Home, Good Ideas, Buying 101, In the News